Online Skateboarding Games For Mac

Immerse yourself in a skateboarding challenge that is truly ‘off the hook!’ Kickflip is an awesomely addicting and extremely challenging skateboard game where you have to score points for performing outrageous tricks on a never-ending looped skate park. Become the hottest thing on small wheels as you strut your stuff through a tailor-made skating area filled with deliciously steep curves, grind-able rails, shuv-able steps, and more!

Surely one of the coolest action sports on the planet, skateboarding is by its very nature a flashy pastime where a daring flair for the spectacular can really make you stand out from the crowd. This is definitely the case with Kickflip; the wackier and more outrageous the stunts, the more points you score toward your total. Pull off awe-inspiring ‘ollies’, breathtaking ‘grinds’, fantastic flips, and incredible ‘shuv-it’ maneuvers as you battle your way through a series of tricky point-scoring levels. Time to pad up, Superstar; your board is calling!

How to Play: In each increasingly difficult level, you have a certain amount of 2-minute ‘tries’ in which to score a set number of points. You score points by performing rad skate moves in mid-air. Each level takes place in a side scrolling skate park that runs on a continuous loop (i.e. if you skate out the side wall of the park, you seamlessly enter a another area with different rails and ramps in it). At the beginning of each level, your target points level is indicated (in Level 1, this is 500 points, in Level 2 it is 1000 points, and so on).

Online Games Gmax Skateboarding

Best free Mac games. This game from iOS makes its way to the Mac in style. Touchgrind is a skateboarding game where you place two fingers on the trackpad to guide the skateboard around.

Use the Arrow Keys on your computer keyboard to maneuver your skateboard. Left and Right Arrows = Accelerate to the left or right; Up and Down Arrows = Change direction. Quick finger work is needed to perform well and achieve your points challenge. Press Spacebar to jump into the air, and then while in the air, press your keyboard 'A' Key to perform flip tricks, the 'S' Key to perform ‘shuv-it’ tricks, and 'D' Key to perform insane grinding tricks on the steel rails. Each time you pull off a successful trick, you score points toward your total. Each time the timer runs out without you reaching the points target, you lose a run. Luckily, you carry your points total through each time you start a new 2-minute run. Good luck!

If this Flash-based game no longer works on IE11 on your PC / MAC, try playing on Chrome or Firefox browser.

  • We collected 15 of the best free online skateboarding games. These games include browser games for both your computer and mobile devices, as well as driving games apps for your Android and iOS phones and tablets. Here we show you games 1-15, including Skate Hooligans, Tanuki Sunset, Swipe Skate 2, and many other free games.
  • Play the hottest collection of skateboard skating and roller skate games available online and enjoy some of the coolest snowboard downhill rides. Whether you like to ride your roller blades or perform all sort of crazy stunts on your board here is the perfect place to start.
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Some helpful links to share include Top 100 Games, Top New Games & Latest Games. Enjoy!
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