Game Maker Studio On Mac

GameMaker: Studio has a number of constants and functions related to the keyboard and how it can be used to make things happen in your games.

GameMaker is an easy to use card based development system which allows you to create simple adventure games with graphics, buttons, and text. Just draw the pictures, type some text, click a few buttons, choose some options. And an adventure game is completed. You are not required to learn a programming language.

When dealing with the keyboard in GameMaker: Studio you have a variety of functions that can be used to recognise different keyboard states like pressed or released. There are also some that store all the keypresses as a string or that can tell you what the last key pressed was, as well as others that allow you to clear the keyboard state completely.
NOTE: These functions are designed for Windows/Mac/Ubuntu desktop platforms only. You may find some of the in-built variables and constants aren't valid on other platforms and many of the functions won't work on mobiles.
Now, each key is normally defined by a number, called the ascii code, and you can directly input this number into these functions and they will work fine... But, as it's a bit difficult to remember so many numbers and the relationship that they have with your keyboard, GameMaker: Studio has a series of constants for the most used keyboard special keys and a special function ord() to return the number from ordinary typed characters (either letters or numbers).
The following is a small example of how to use ord():

Game Maker Studio On Mac

if keyboard_check(ord('A'))
hspeed = -5;

So, the above will check the 'A' key and if it's being pressed then it'll set the horizontal speed of the object to -5. Note, that the 'A' is a capital 'A', and that when using ord() the keyboard key to check must always be written in quotes and as a capital. Now, what if you want to use the arrow keys? Or if you want to modify an action using the 'shift' key? Well, for that GameMaker: Studio has a series of vk_ constants (vk_ stands for virtual keyboard) that you can use in place of ord or the ascii code.
Here is a complete list of the vk_ constants:

vk_nokeykeycode representing that no key is pressed
vk_anykeykeycode representing that any key is pressed
vk_leftkeycode for left arrow key
vk_rightkeycode for right arrow key
vk_upkeycode for up arrow key
vk_downkeycode for down arrow key
vk_enterenter key
vk_escapeescape key
vk_spacespace key
vk_shifteither of the shift keys
vk_controleither of the control keys
vk_altalt key
vk_backspacebackspace key
vk_tabtab key
vk_homehome key
vk_endend key
vk_deletedelete key
vk_insertinsert key
vk_pageuppageup key
vk_pagedownpagedown key
vk_pausepause/break key
vk_printscreenprintscreen/sysrq key
vk_f1 ... vk_f12keycode for the function keys F1 to F12
vk_numpad0 ... vk_numpad9number keys on the numeric keypad
vk_multiplymultiply key on the numeric keypad
vk_dividedivide key on the numeric keypad
vk_addkey on the numeric keypad
vk_subtractsubtract key on the numeric keypad
vk_decimaldecimal dot keys on the numeric keypad

The following constants can only be used with keyboard_check_direct():

vk_lshiftleft shift key
vk_lcontrolleft control key
vk_laltleft alt key
vk_rshiftright shift key
vk_rcontrolright control key
vk_raltright alt key

The following is a small example of how to use the vk_ constants:

if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_tab)

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The above code will detect if the 'Tab' key is pressed and create an instance of object 'obj_Menu' if it is.
For information on the available GameMaker: Studio keyboard functions, please see the following sections of the manual:

  1. io_clear
  2. keyboard_check
  3. keyboard_check_pressed
  4. keyboard_check_released
  5. keyboard_check_direct
  6. keyboard_clear
  7. keyboard_key_press
  8. keyboard_key_release
  9. keyboard_key
  10. keyboard_lastkey
  11. keyboard_lastchar
  12. keyboard_string
  13. keyboard_set_map
  14. keyboard_get_map
  15. keyboard_unset_map
  16. keyboard_get_numlock
  17. keyboard_set_numlock

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