ie. Linux - fedora, ubuntu etc..., Mac, Windows - XP, Vista etc...
System requirements: Mac OS X 10.6. Rain, snow, storms and various visual effects make this one of the best-looking games on Mac ever. Feral Interactive has done a great job with the port.
The Top Ten Best Operating Systems
1Microsoft Windows 7Windows 7 is the best OS from Microsoft I have ever experienced...
Easy to install... Crash free... Fabulous Graphics Support for HQ Games.. And more...
Windows Vista is the worst OS from Microsoft...
Very simple to install and better UI also best security.
Very good themes.
Less virus detector... And fabulous display... Maximum features And many more
I'm techy kind of guy using many different versions of windows since 1986, I pads, android and such. I just purchased a new laptop reinstalled with windows 8 with touch screen and the latest processor. There is not much I can't figure out in a short learning curve. I'm the guy everyone goes and sees at work when having a computer issue, not by trade just by knowledge. I'm trying hard to figure out. Windows 8 but find myself lost and burning way to many hours to learn the system. I currently have my windows 7 disc in hand getting ready to upgrade from windows 8 on this new machine and I say upgrade to windows 7 because windows 8 is a disaster with no real file management system as I know it. Maybe windows 8 is such a drastic change from past operating systems and I'm a relic. Even with the 8.1 update I found it not any better. I had to install an app to bring windows 8 back to a functional operating system, but knowing that it is still in the back ground I will kick it out and bring my ...more
2UbuntuUbuntu is a mixture of Windows and Macintosh. Looks like mac but shortcut keys is similar to windows. Great work. I love it
They should sell computers with Ubuntu pre-installed!
I really like the OS, but the thing that so bad is that it uses java iced tea and not java sun
But much better than windows Vista
It really rock me. Windows os gets nothing. Haha sorry to all windows users
Simply a better OS than Windows or Mac. It's faster, more secure, more stable, offers more customization, has less memory overhead, and CHEAPER than either of its competitors. It has the best software license (Open-source for the win! ), and despite what Mac Fanatics will say, Linux really is the ideal environment for high-power computations. (There's a reason most supercomputers run Linux)
3Windows XPThe best operating system I have ever used, thanks to Microsoft,
It is best fastest operating system ever. It's better than windows 8
This is the best for me ever seen...
Old and Faithful. As a late end XP user, I got to say this computer has not only been a large portion of my early life, but will continue to be as such for a while. It's familiar, it's easy, it's that middleground between new and old, it runs several old programs along with several new ones, and it doesn't DO ANY BLASTED UPDATES EVERY SECOND. It's the King!
I'm Serious! My Media Center Edition XP from 06 is sturdier, longer lasting, and even runs better than the Win10 laptop I got 2 years ago. How the devil Windows 10 got to 3rd place on this list is beyond me, at least with XP I can see why peeps love it. They say new is better, but in some cases... it's really not! (7 is okay though)
It's fast, It's reliable, It takes full responsibility of every move you do. It is the Windows of the future, It is worth every penny you've spent to buy this because of its features, Design, Speed, Accuracy, Privacy, and Security. If you even hesitated to buy Windows 7, Just buy this OS, Who knows, Maybe in the future some programs you need are only compatible with windows 10.
The future coming OS! There are lots of great features in Windows 10! Some of the great features are combined old start menu + new metro apps, tablet mode, continuum, Cortana, Microsoft Edge, notification center, multitasking desktop and many more... And there are coming developing technologies which will work with Windows 10 like Microsoft Surface, HoloLens. The best thing is the same OS will work on all platforms whether it is phone, tablet, Xbox, laptop or desktop! All data will be syncing.. Transferable data across all platforms! The future is here!
My windows 10 best edition:
2.Pro Education
5.Pro For Workstations
Windows 10 should get at least 3rd Place...
Newest version of Windows and it has a few tricks up the sleeve...
Can connect it to the XBOX console which might not notice if an older user...Applications Savvy such as LibreOffice, Fresh Paint, Notepad++, Movies and TV, and Microsoft Edge make it more inviting to be the newest of the kind. Some features should be more snappy which is a plus for Windows 7 to keep ahead too as it has no such slow time. Windows 10 is a definite keeper too though as much progress has been done with applications and the overall looks of it very cool and respectable. - iliescu
What about Chrome OS?
Not the same as android
In a year it will be the number 3 OS
Yeah but chrome does seem to be the most used web browser in the world
Android 4.1 is a fairly stale operating system with great customization options. Fun withgets will light your way into a a very interesting society, where you control everything. I would recommend this operating system in a heartbeat!
Android is definitely the best operating system because it is an upcoming fairly new OS that is very simple and is very safe in the way of virus protection and speed.
You either love it or hate it, I don't love it or hate it so oh well
6Windows 2000Good solid operating system that was the building platform for the much loved Windows XP. More stable than XP though. - wizardryuk
There is logical in the old that was never meant to be upgraded.
Only because there was no support for this OS and I couldn't do the things that needed to did I have to upgrade to XP. It was the best OS from Microsoft I ever used, if they'd updated it and given it new features I'd still be using it today. I've never liked any other OS from Microsoft, maybe XP after SP2.
Best os. Better Than Android.
7Windows 8.1It is just awesome. It has the start button back, you can boot to the desktop, the start screen can be personalized in more ways with more tile sizes, group naming, more apps and more. The store has apps and a better look. Has a more 'metro' control panel and more. IT IS GOT TO BE THE BEST OS FROM MICROSOFT
A great replacement for those who hate windows 8. It is sure to be a success as it has been seen in the past!, Its preview ain't that much but what is instore is awesome!
It's cool! Microsoft included a new way of personalizing, customizing and searching!.. It's free on the web!.. Try download it, and experience the 'SMARTEST' version of OS that Microsoft have ever created!.. ;-)
Windows 7 end of support in 14 January 2020.
And next number 1 windows operating system Windows 8.1
A nice and stable Linux OS, it is like a Lego game. You can build around your kernel what you want, without the need of major hacks. Indeed, not desirable for beginners, but also not so unstable and complicated like Gentoo. I was trying Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Gentoo, Suse and Arch - Arch was the winner for me. I hesitated between Arch and Gentoo a time, but finally found Arch repos more consistent and up to date
Arch/parabola is literally the most personalised and lightweight OS possible. And it's free software.
Other OS' customizability pale in comparison to Arch Linux's customizability; you only have to install what you need, making it the most versatile modern operating systems you can run. Pacman provides a fantastic experience for installing applications without the need to scour the internet in search of a download. The likelihood of getting a virus on linux is practically nonexistent, and Arch Linux can run lightning fast. The OS is also updated frequently via a rolling release, and the process of updating one's system is quite unobtrusive.
The rolling release strategy is very important.
9Windows XP ProfessionalThis is all time favorite.. None other than Windows XP
Yeah that is true, but it's reliable, and worth it, yeah it is part of 2001 but seriously, it looks modern, but viruses swarm it - DominiusDarkKnight5
Hey it's Really good because it is easy to learn & install & also it fast than other OS
Best hacker-friendly operating system out there. You may say windows 7 is better, but it is that windows 7 is a mix of XP and vista together. So after all, windows XP is best OS, windows related.
Everything works, If it ain't broke then don't fix it. How much time is lost getting to know a new OS. It takes years to familiarize all the ins and outs of an OS. I'm still discovering new things about XP. these days, one is not allowed to ever get good at anything. Always new always different. Give me a break.
10Windows 95Hell yes, what happened to the original windows? The start menu was the best invention ever by Microsoft and they took it away in windows 8, I mean I'm a computer tech and ill be doing something in windows 8 and hit some random key that brings up that dumb ass tile crap. I Despise windows 8, almost as much as I hate Vista and Windows Millennium Edition
The first ever operating system in the Windows series to introduce a simple but very useful and working component called the Start Menu of the Windows operating system, now ridden of and put into damnation by Windows 8...
Win 95 Plus version was so cool. By far, simplest and most crash resistant OS for me... (or maybe I learnt too much after that! )
I really don't know what's wrong with you people. Windows 7 and 8 best OSes ever? 95 and XP were the best, and 95 beats XP.
The Contenders
11Mac OS X LeopardI just love mac os x leopard
Awesome very simple and reliable better than windows
I like it ver
Mac OS X Leopard is a MAJOR leap for Apple. It's very good! The only problem I have with it is that Apple doesn't support it anymore; so I updated to Mac OS X Snow Leopard. It's almost just like Mac OS X Leopard and best of all, it's not obsolete!

Please give download link
12FreeBSDOne of the absolute best Operating Systems. It just works no matter the load. In the runnings now also is an illumos based OS called OmniOS
The most stable Unix variant compared to RedHat and Solaris (quite good too).
Has only improved over the years.
This one just works
13Macintosh OSXBy far one of the easiest operating systems to learn for a complete beginner (although switching from windows has a slight learning curve). Ideal for the artist and everyday user, the Mac OS is a personal favourite. The fact that it's unix based makes it quite similar to linux with very similar terminal commands. The only downside to Mac OS is the small range of games and the high price of the Macintosh computer required to run Mac OS X
Unfair to classify OSX as a single stand-alone OS and compare it to Windows as a long list of very different systems from 3.1 to whatever they're doing this week. OSX is a variant of Unix based on FreeBSD which is in turn based on BSD that predates MSDOS by a decade (~) by my recollection. Microsoft should join the rest of the world and help create a unified OS core such that each variant merely offers their own 'flavoured' shell. Windows was nothing but a menu system for MSDOS. A Unified system would solve many of the problems of writing code for all computers to use.
Yea the whole reason why macs never get viruses is because hackers don't see any profit in hacking a mac, even though macs arc is 64bit or higher currently pc's hold the market shares in the US, thus being hackers will see profit in hacking a pc and get more enjoyment out of it rather than trying to waste time on a mac, and wit a pc you can do a hell of a lot more than just a mac where you can only do graphic arts, music design, and so forth, and not even good enough to run games on it, oh yea another thing bout macs is that the os is pretty much locked and simplyfied where there's rly no probs with the mac osx and if there ever is any probs that the user experiences they always run to the apple store because they don't know squat on how to resolve the issue, when pc users can fix issues on their own and not have to run to the apple store for help. So yea I think the numerical order of os'es should remain the same currently.
Em, with respect, the person who wrote the paragraph staring 'Yea the whole reason why macs never get viruses... ' knows nothing at all about Macs. As someone who has been using them for over 25 years (alongside Windows and Linux) I DO! So, you can only do 'graphic arts, music, design and so forth...'? Actually these days you can do whatever you want on a Mac and in a far simpler, more logical way than you can in Windows. And faster. This person is living in the past and has obviously not used a Mac recently. You CAN play games on them brilliantly! Or perhaps I am imagining that?
As for users having to 'run to the Apple Store because they don't know squat on how to resolve the issue', that's totally inaccurate as well. I fix all my Macs if they go wrong (which they hardly ever do). I still have a 16 year old Bondi iMac that runs OS X and has never caused me a day's trouble. A bit slow now, of course, but my point is I've never had a Windows machine for ...more
Linux for non-dummies. Climbing the learning curve to get it running forces you to know Linux from the inside out and to know Linux 100 times better than most people.
Best OS (LINUX) and best LINUX distribution ever. have started with it (so not true it's not for beginners) and even tried other distributions always returned back to SLACKWARE as it seems to be only distro that's easy to administrate and use
Awesome and really makes mind to work
hardcore mode
15Windows 98It is the operating system that brought revolution.. Introduced cursor, graphics and the gaming system.. It is without a doubt the best operating system there is.. So my vote goes to windows 98
No it didn't introduce the cursor, for one. Also, it was really Windows 3 that bought the revolution, in terms of making Microsoft known. - Dave4681
A basic OS that gets stuff done without a load of eyecandy. I prefer that in an OS. If it was interlaced with NT type security, it would most likely be the best OS you could use. Microsoft forgot how to built a good, functional OS that just works without a bunch of goofy features and complicated menus.
Windows 98 is epic because it is fast. It's faster than my laptop running Windows 7. It runs Office Word well, and it can run many powerful and great games.
Windows 98 is a faster operating system created by Microsoft and is the successor to windows 95. Windows 95 might be faster than windows 98 because it was loading faster and it was more reliable. My vote goes to windows 98.
16GentooIt's the fastest OS in the world...
Gentoo is built the the specific hardware that you have and can run on almost any system. Installation is a pain in the ass though.
The most empowering OS
What Is The Best Mac Os
Arch Linux is child's play - shadomatrix
17Mac OS X LionMost stable, powerful, and intuitive interface in the world. Smartest computer, easiest to use, and just the best around. Nothing beats good ol' Apple! - musicamentek
How to os download
My dream os
go for it
It's the best OS I've ever used
Tried ubuntu, red hat and all versions from Microsoft
It was terrible the should've burned them all
The best reason to use Windows or Linux
This os sucks, every os made by monopolistic corporations suck
Completely rubbish
19Microsoft Windows 3.1The last Windows which didn't claim it's more than what it really was: a fancy toy. Lack of applications, crashes, loads of viruses, bugs, no real support, waiting years for device drivers... Win 3.1 was the most perfect reason to create Linux!
This where it started, true you had to upgrade Windows and DOS separately but you had fewer crashes and was easier repair, Win 95 and 98 weren't bad then we got xp through 8.1 with each getting more and more bloated requiring huge amounts of RAM just for the OS.
Very straight forward, and simple to use.
Aside from MS Dos 6.22, this is the first operating system I've learned and loved. It is a great leap from Dos or even windows 1 because its multitasking capability and it is not limited to 640 kb of memory, taking advantage of Intel 386 microprocessor. You can't appreciate this unless you live back in time.
20Chromium OSThis is for internet only, it is not recommended when you use to play games, you can play but in browser games only
You can only access the internet. But that good for browser gamers!
Can't run it on my 64 bit but looks good, fast, secure and crash free. Also chromium is better than chrome.
21DebianI've been using Debian in my server and workstation. I love it's stability, light weight attributes and adherence to free and open source software apps. It definitely has a learning curve but compared to nightmarish and bloated windows, it is a breath of fresh(and free) air, not to mention the load of money my company saves on debian installed pcs.
This is my favourite Linux distribution. Impressively stable and very versatile. The real taste of Linux
Debian is the distro Ubuntu (and it's derivatives) is based on. It has been around for 25 years and is the most stable OS. It has the largest repositories by default, and it is as flexible as Arch. By default, Debian isn't the most user-friendly distro, but it has so many derivatives such as Ubuntu, Mint, and Elementary OS that took it's stable base and made it easier to use. It's sad how an operating system so important isn't in the top 5. - shadomatrix
Its far better (faster,efficient,secure, hasn't crashed yet in my 5 years of usage) than microsoft's windows.In earlier versions audio was a problem but pulseaudio has overcome the problem and is offered in debian since the past few years. It does take a reasonably computer-educated person to configure in an expert manner- especially with encrypted RAID and LVM, but its good for home users too especially after debian buster was released. A very distinctively better feature was that downloading from the net happens to be faster in debian(in fact any linux that I have used does that) than in windows. It also runs faster than windows(i mean less laggy), and I know the reason- less bloatware running in the background. I install the base version and add any apps that I need later on, so the system remains lean and fast. Ubuntu's good too but it already has some bloatware.
22Windows 8This is lovely
This is friendly
This is fastest
This is best
All at once it must be on top
Fastest Microsoft operating system yet. It has more security features and adds an extra twist and extra compatibility to Windows.
It is nice...
Windows 8 make it better than the previous versions of windows 0S and others are its modern and new features. Seems like windows give it a new taste and experience with user's perspective. More secure, reliable and tangible as well with its metro and touch interface. With its beta releases, the DP, CP and RP, grabs good comments. However, desktop users says this OS a no-no for desktop, instead tablet or other touch integrated pcs. For me, I like it way better for easy navigation of settings. Hope windows make this os compatible with older pcs. Cause some reports say that it will just successfully install with later pcs.
23Windows VistaAmazing operating system. Most people who used Vista and hated it were using it on underpowered computers. If you use it on adequate hardware that can take advantage of Vista's features, it's an amazing experience.
Vista was also very important; it created the path for other, newer version of Windows, many pieces of the path still seen to this day. 7, which is #1 of course, would be very different without Vista.
Vista is also quite stable and can perform very well, on adequate hardware. With Service Pack 2, it became a great replacement for XP, and an awesome OS in general. Unfortunately, it was slammed by critics and techies when it first came out, for good reason. It ran slow on most hardware, it was buggy and was overblown with features. Things were patched and streamlined, and in the end, it became a great OS for just about anything.
All in all, Windows Vista is an amazing operating system that was sabotaged by a mediocre launch. I would definitely give this ...more - SGWaS
I've been using this OS since 2011, only had a blue screen once
Other than that, works perfectly, just like XP and 7
Best Games To Download On Mac
Piece of garbage, I believe someone was stoned when they approved this production
People only truly had problems with Vista is because it was before it's time, if Windows 7, 8, or 10 came out at the time a lot of the issues people faced with Vista would still be there. Either way Vista still crushes every other windows aesthetically, bad or not.
24Mac OS X Mountain LionMore stable, more reliable than XP, and fun too. So far the best system I have tried. I liked Snow Leopard but this is a definite upgrade. Using Mountain lion with Parallels for Windows applications is smooth as silk.
I tried all of the top ten right now and mountain lion is the best, there is this bootcamp feature and you can install any operating system that you want, but you must make a second mac you can do that using disk utility. (if you want mac and the other OS
It's pretty good OS. I'm using it and I don't have any problems
Although I like OS X Mavericks better it was a great leap from lion which was definitely necessary or OS X Mavericks wouldn't be here.
25LinuxLinux isn't an operating system. It's a kernel that powers hundreds of distros like Ubuntu, Debian, and Arch. - shadomatrix
Is free why is not a true os - thebetter100
The kernel that powers Android, Ubuntu, and ChromeOS. The OS that powers 99% of the internet. The OS that powers space missions. The kernel that powers military equipment. That's Linux. Compact, versatile, reliable, user-friendly. - Kaboom
My vote is for linux
26GM-NAA I/OThe World's first OS which came out in 1956 - 50
27DOSIf you don't know why, you won't understand why. But I'll just say this: It set the non-unix standard for all personal computers since the eighties... And is still embedded to some degree, in almost all of the OS's in use to this date. Those who love sheer computing power, are not swept away with interface graphic B.S. and... REALLY know how to use it... Realize that among robust light-weight OSs, NOTHING else has come close to matching it! (Or lasted as long! )
No OS mesh with DOS. Everything can be done through this... God for hackers..
It is the ultimate OS for hacking, programing and windows was made on it on the first place!
Dos was simple, sure yeah it was easy to forget commands, (such as dir) otherwise it was simple!
28iOS XThis is not even a real OS!
Not in the world this wasn't invented - favouredlist314
Where the hell am I going to see this
Dumbasses the X means 10
The official name of that OS is iOS 10.
OS X is on Mac, which certainly does not use iOS. - KalloFox34
First of all 'Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon' is 'Free' Operating System
1)'Linux Mint Cinnamon 15' is better than 'Ubantu 13.04'
2) It is best Operating System I ever used in my Life
3) It is very fast, very user friendly (Like 'Windows 7'), Most secure OS
4) Inbuilt NVDIA/ATI Graphics Drivers (No need to install any drivers)
5) It is fully loaded with all software and even it also support Internet Graphics, Audio-Video and Bluetooth connectivity without manually installing any drivers
5) It works great with both Desktops and Laptops
6) Very Stable Operating System
7) Extremely great Graphics (Like MAC-OS), Themes
8) Full Multimedia Support for High Definition movies, High Graphics Games
9) Great Package Manager all softwares are available in that Package Manger Center
10) Inbuilt (VLC) Video LAN Player
11) Libre Office is best but also support Microsoft Office via PlayOnLinux Software (For those who has hobbit of using MS Office)
12) Supports all ...more
Fast and secure, it has everything I want and everything anyone should really need. If you can't find it in mint, it probably doesn't exist.
Mint is a easy to use operating system based on linux, reliable and great for new users. Based on ubuntu, there is a lot of software available on it
Mint is faster than windows and it is secured by package system
30openSUSEVery stable linux. Works perfectly. Never fails. MADE IN Germany
Super Stable, Everything under the sun always works perfectly and it is FREE! So you can not beat that, plus no Virus or Malware in the last almost 20 years I have used it. It is superior to any FREE or paid for OS I know and can be customized and never slows down.
Very stable linux. Works perfectly.
Best os ever for server stuff and hacking others
31Mac OS X MavericksMost advance operating system
Wait it's free? AWESOME! I used to have it but I never thought it was free - favouredlist314
Not tried it yet but think is good lol
I was very happy with Snow leopard but this is the best, Fast stable, secure.
And its FREE!
Just windows 8 for tablets with keys. Windows rt
Hate this more than 8. - Kaboom
33Microsoft Windows 1.0Very too much good it and best operating system Windows it.
I Like it...
Was on Windows 7 before this, and whilst I can admit to not being fond of 10 at the start, It grew on me. Windows 10 is the fastest OS I've ever used, It has its own integrated app store so coupled with the new Windows Defender viruses will be much less of a problem, also provided you have the supported hardware it included DirectX 12 which will speed up your games performance! So yeah...Windows 10 is best!
BEST OS I had ever seen. Better than win 8. Amazing graphics, best GUI and safest os till now.
Just as bad as Win10 - Kaboom
34iOS 7Nice? IOS look the same as it first launch. It gets boring looking at the same old UI, no customization, nothing. The reason why it run smooth, because nothing has change, just heavily optimize to run on one product.
IOS 7 is a fantastic os good looking icons fluid, easy design. If your looking for a phone is then iOS 7 is the right choice.
Its the best OS ever built for phones and so fluid to use and smoothness it has awesome...
Windows 10 is better than iOS 7
35Windows 98 Second EditionGreat for retro Windows/MS-DOS games - PerfectImpulseX
36Windows 7 ProfessionalRuns great! No crashes. Dependable. Lets me run Photoshop 7. Love it more than XP!
The best operating system and version Microsoft has ever released.
Just as bad as windows 7 - Kaboom
Blickness never crashes, it just goes in
37Mac OS X Snow LeopardAfter 12 years of testing different os, still Snow Leopard seems to me that is the best
I've been using it for ages, and it never crashed. Not once. Meanwhile my dad's computer, running Windows 7, was recovering from a blue screen of death, 2 days in a row. Although I have experienced many ridicules issues, all of them where perfectly recoverable, not even requiring a reboot. Yosemite is nice, but makes 80% of the file's invisible, so if I want to update anything, too bad for me. Also, Snow Leopard doesn't reset all my settings whenever I log out.
Mac is best, but I also like Windows and Linus.
Snow leopard is by far the best Mac OS I have ever used. My five-year-old computer still runs it (which actually Ian't saying much in apple terms).
Snow leopard has a few great features, which were sadly discontinued in Lion.
Four finger swipe to switch applications.
Aesthetically pleasing interface (what's with Appkes switch to dull abstract interfaces in new OS versions? )
And of course support for PPC 32-bit apps, as well as 64 bit app support.
I run Yosemite from virtual box on my Mac, and Snow Leopard still leaves it in the dust!
OpenBSD is the best when security is needed. My favorite OS for DNS Servers.
39AmigaOSWell they just got it right from the start.
Pre-emptive multitasking since 1985! Best multimedia OS.
Amiga user since start & for yrs aft the end. Owned Amiga shop years ago. 'Friendstomers' I meet at a store, or community club, will joyfully reminisce with me over the fun of being Amigans together*. (*Physically together; The years, and for years prior, when computers united friends.)
40Google Chrome OSLove my Chromebook and it's super fast bootup along with light weight portability. Security like no other OS on the Planet too!
Boots in 7 seconds. Incredibly stable. Lowest cost speed and power. No need for virus-ware. Never lose stuff -- it's in the cloud. Software updates don't require user to download/install. Device performance doesn't degrade over time. Google Cloud Print eliminates the need to download/install printer drivers and works from any device. Great support for Google Remote Desktop and Chromecast. No Windows registry.
Fast booting, easy using, auto updating, cloud storing. I love it!
Hate Cloud Technology, Google Microsoft etc. are all the same... They collect all important data & are thieving, too much stupid ads to confuse & make people buy third party wares.
Best Mac Os Games Ever Won
42UnixMost serious applications are hosted on this platform.
Definitely the best choice for users who are looking for taking the best of its machine.
1 of the fathers of modern personal computers (Linux&Mac) are based on it in one way or another. Most secure computing base. OS-tems based on it make most of the server, touch screen market
Requires great computer knowledge to use this Operating System. With great effort and practice, one would master this Operating System.
43JavaOSJava is great!
JAVA... SO dry Subject But Great
Best it
44Xandros LinuxGreat Linux Distribution. Easy to use and can be setup like Windows or Mac. ASUS uses a proprietary version in their new Linux Based Netbooks.
Very fast but useless
Best Mac Os Games Ever Free
And lupet mo wow ka
ede wow
45Mac OS X El Capitanpoor OS
47Macintosh System 7.1Fastest OS of its time. Required to play American Girls Premiere, Dazzeloids, Clubhouse Activity Center, Rockett's New School and several floppy disk programs. - playstationfan66
48AS/400None of those above even come close for serious applications
Great OS, all Fortune 500 co's have it
Bomb proof o/s on a bomb proof platform.
49Windows 7 UltimateShould be number 1
I use this and it is safe and friendly and quite flexable. I like it a lot
Best ever, I actually used bootcamp to put it on my Mac because of how crash-free, fast, and easy to use it is. I still prefer it to OS X and regular Windows 7. Best. OS. EVER.
It gets virusfsg fast
50iOS 6.1.6You seem young. 6.1.6 was released Feburary 2014.
It,s so old
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2. Windows 2000
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Hello everyone, how are you all doing today? I hope you are all having a great day so far. My day is going quite well, could be better but I can’t really complain, well you know what I WILL complain. Two days ago a so called “family friend” who no us of have ever seen or heard of just arrived at our doorstep and decided he will stay here for like 2 weeks. Only issue is he is an alcoholic, he is drunk on the couch as I type this. He is not a complete stranger, some people in our family do know him and grew up with him but still, the guy is like 48, has kids who he just pretty much abandoned as he goes searching for a job, anyway, it’s stressing me out a bit but I will manage, lol read on…
Besides that, today we take a look at the best strategy games, RPG games ever released for Mac OS X Yosemite and El Capitan. The only thing that I have to remind you is that some of these will require you to install STEAM which will enable you to download the mentioned games, trust me it’s worth it, just try it before you knock it!
Does Mac Have Fun Strategy Games?
Yes, seriously, it really does have fun strategy games. We are not in 2008 anymore and the major game developers have started to port or convert their games over to Apple’s OS X in huge numbers. You can now play many of the very popular Windows Games on your Mac without much of a difference. The Steam engine has further stepped up the gaming on Macs and it is great. Look at my list of the best strategy games below, download the game and enjoy them.
#1. Download Company of Heroes 2
Download Company of Heroes 2 For Mac OS X
Powered by the Essence Engine 3.0, the Company of Heroes 2 series feature some unique mechanics rewarding thoughtful players. From the TrueSight™ system that emulates the units’ line of sight to the cover-system that encourages clever unit placement – not to mention the combined arms approach and the hard and soft counters gameplay that will make you think twice before trying to destroy a tank with a simple squad of riflemen – each game presents players with an uninterrupted stream of meaningful tactical choices that can turn the tide of war.
The original Company of Heroes 2 game gives you access to two multiplayer armies from the Eastern Front: the Red Army (SOV) and the Wehrmacht Ostheer (GER). It also comes with a gritty single-player campaign that will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the series core tenets. Step into the boots of a Soviet commander of the Red Army, entrenched in brutal frontline warfare to free Mother Russia from the Enemy invaders! Adjust your tactics to take into account the brutal weather conditions and wield the might of the Soviet Empire as you smash your way to Berlin.
Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies adds two new factions from the Western Front to the roster of playable multiplayer armies: the Oberkommando West (OKW) and the US Forces (USF). While the former puts you in charge of an aggressive and powerful army with very specialized and elite units – yet in very limited numbers – the latter introduces an expeditionary corps that allows for a variety of approaches and very powerful combined arms tactics, but which inevitably falls a bit short in the heavy armor department.
Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault offers a compelling single-player campaign for the USF faction revolving around the Battle of the Bulge. Engage in a dynamic non-linear campaign across the Ardennes landscape consisting of 18 scenarios, choose between three iconic companies, customize their abilities and bear the consequences of your actions as overall company health persists between missions.
Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces is the latest entry in the series and features this iconic Allied army from WWII (UKF). Experience a unique tech-tree that challenges the player to balance the constant trade-off between mobility and defense. Surprise your opponents with your development choices and an open end game configuration. Enjoy an army with character and distinctive units & abilities, from the Churchill Crocodile flamethrower tank to the RAF glider.
This game is a must have. I remember playing Company of Heroes 1(the original) on PC and it was one of my favorite games, this is way back in 2009 or so. I just started playing CH2 and so far, I f’n love it.
Company of Heroes 2 Game play Screenshot
#2. Download Cities: Skylines
Download Cities Skyline Game On Mac
Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience.
From the makers of the Cities in Motion franchise, the game boasts a fully realized transport system. It also includes the ability to mod the game to suit your play style as a fine counter balance to the layered and challenging simulation. You’re only limited by your imagination, so take control and reach for the sky!
Multi-tiered and challenging simulation: Constructing your city from the ground up is easy to learn, but hard to master. Playing as the mayor of your city you’ll be faced with balancing essential requirements such as education, water electricity, police, fire fighting, healthcare and much more along with your citys real economy system. Citizens within your city react fluidly, with gravitas and with an air of authenticity to a multitude of game play scenarios.
Extensive local traffic simulation: Colossal Orders extensive experience developing the Cities in Motion series is fully utilized in a fully fleshed out and well-crafted transport systems.
Districts and Policies: Be more than just an administrator from city hall. Designating parts of your city as a district results in the application of policies which results in you rising to the status of Mayor for your own city.
Extensive modding support: Build or improve on existing maps and structures. You can then import them into the game, share them as well as download the creations of other city builders on the Steam workshop.
This game could have been and probably should have been #1 on our list but #2 isn’t so bad. This game does have almost a perfect rating in terms of reviews so it is as good as people say it is, trust me. I have it for Mac and I play it at least 3 times a week.
Cities: Skyline Game Play Screenshot
#3. Download Big Pharma
Download Big Pharma on Mac
What if you had it in your power to rid the world of disease, to improve the lives of millions, to ease suffering and cure the sick… and earn a tidy profit?
As the head of your own Pharmaceutical Conglomerate you have this power resting in your hands. Will you use it for good? Being totally altruistic may not be the best business plan. The uncomfortable truth (is there an ointment for that?) is that some remedies are more profitable than others and illness is good for business.
From humble beginnings
with a few rusty reconditioned machines, you can progress from knocking out cheap generic treatments for minor ailments, to discovering new active ingredients and hi-tech machines to help refine the next generation of world-changing drugs. But watch out, you’re not alone out there. Rival corporations that want to put you out of business have their own set of competing cures and treatments.
Games For Mac Os X
Then there’s the dynamically shifting marketplace which means that your fancy cold and flu medicine from last winter might not sell so well now it’s the height of summer.
This game is better than it looks, trust me on that. It’s awesome, especially if you like tycoon, simulation type games. It’s like Sims but relating more so to running a medicine company. Put it this way, it’s better than it sounds, just try it.
Big Pharma Game Play Screenshot
#4. Download XCOM 2
XCOM 2 for Mac
XCOM 2 is the sequel to XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the 2012 award-winning strategy game of the year.
Earth has changed. Twenty years have passed since world leaders offered an unconditional surrender to alien forces. XCOM, the planet’s last line of defense, was left decimated and scattered. Now, in XCOM 2, the aliens rule Earth, building shining cities that promise a brilliant future for humanity on the surface, while concealing a sinister agenda and eliminating all who dissent from their new order.
Only those who live at the edges of the world have a margin of freedom. Here, a force gathers once again to stand up for humanity. Always on the run, and facing impossible odds, the remnant XCOM forces must find a way to ignite a global resistance, and eliminate the alien threat once and for all.
- XCOM ON THE RUN: Take command of the Avenger, an alien supply craft converted to XCOM’s mobile headquarters. New open-ended gameplay lets you decide where to guide your strike team, how to grow popular support, and when to combat enemy counter-operations.
- RECRUIT RESISTANCE FIGHTERS: Five soldier classes, each with its own skill tree, let you create specific soldiers for your tactical plan.
- TACTICAL GUERRILLA COMBAT: New gameplay systems offer more tactical flexibility in combat. Use concealment to ambush enemy patrols. Loot enemies for precious gear and artifacts. Rescue VIPs and save fallen comrades by carrying them to the extraction point.
XCOM Enemy Unknown Game Play Screenshot
#5. Download Dota 2
Dota 2 is a competitive game of action and strategy, played both professionally and casually by millions of passionate fans worldwide.
Players pick from a pool of over a hundred heroes, forming two teams of five players. Radiant heroes then battle their Dire counterparts to control a gorgeous fantasy landscape, waging campaigns of cunning, stealth, and outright warfare.
Irresistibly colorful on the surface, Dota is a game of infinite depth and complexity. Every hero has an array of skills and abilities that combine with the skills of their allies in unexpected ways, to ensure that no game is ever remotely alike.
This is one of the reasons that the Dota phenomenon has continued to grow. Originating as a fan-made Warcraft 3 modification, Dota was an instant underground hit.
Dota 2 Game Play Screenshot
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