Ventrilo Not Working In Game Mac

btw, I have already seen much ado regarding the external mic/headset difficulties people have had regarding non-amplified mics/headsets, and understand how to make that work, though I would like to know which USB headsets some of you have had success with, but I am wondering why the internal microphone wouldn't work.
I have seen some posts claiming that even USB headsets have difficulties under Leopard that they don't have with Tiger.
As Apple saw fit not to provide built-in playthrough from audio mini-plug line in, I have used the 3rd party LineIn software as a work around. Is there something else out there that gets USB headsets and Ventrilo to play nice together?

Ventrilo Not Working In Game Mac And Windows 7

Ventrilo is best known for its superior sound quality and minimal use of CPU resources so as not to interfere with normal operations of the computer or during online game competitions. It is also preferred for the simple User interface that any first time computer User can very quickly learn because the most commonly used features are.

Ventrilo Not Working In Game MacVentrilo Not Working In Game Mac

Ventrilo Not Working In Game Mac Free

Aug 22, 2009 10:01 PM